In 2023 - How to share your mobile screen on Whatsapp?

 In a world that thrives on connectivity, WhatsApp has emerged as a quintessential tool for communication. From text messages to voice calls, video calls to multimedia sharing, the platform has expanded its capabilities over the years. One feature that has become increasingly relevant in today's digital landscape is screen sharing. Whether you're troubleshooting a tech issue, delivering a presentation, or simply sharing a moment with a friend, knowing how to share your screen on WhatsApp can be a game-changer.

Step-by-Step Guide to Screen Sharing on WhatsApp

Screen sharing on WhatsApp is a feature that allows you to display your device's screen to another user in real time. This can be immensely helpful in scenarios like remote work, virtual meetings, or guiding someone through a process on their device. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to share your screen on WhatsApp:

Step 1: Update WhatsApp

Ensure you're using the latest version of WhatsApp on your device. App updates often bring improvements and new features, including screen sharing.

Step 2: Initiate a Video Call

Open the chat with the person you want to share your screen with. Initiate a video call by tapping the video call icon at the top right corner of the chat screen.

Step 3: Start the Video Call

Once the person accepts the call, you'll be connected in a video call. You can see their camera feed, and they can see yours. Now, it's time to take it a step further.

Step 4: Activate Screen Sharing

Look for the screen sharing option on your call interface. This might be labeled as "Screen Share," "Share Screen," or something similar. Tap on it to begin sharing your screen.

Step 5: Grant Necessary Permissions

Your device might ask for permission to share your screen. Grant the required permissions to proceed. This is usually necessary for security reasons and to ensure your privacy.

Step 6: Navigate and Share

Once screen sharing is activated, your device's screen will be visible to the person on the other end. You can now navigate through your device just like you normally would. Whether you're showcasing a presentation, walking through an app, or troubleshooting, your actions will be mirrored in real time.

Step 7: End Screen Sharing

To end screen sharing, simply tap the screen sharing button again. You'll usually find this in the same place where you activated it. Once you end screen sharing, the call will continue as a regular video call.

Tips for Effective Screen Sharing

Prepare Ahead:

Before you initiate a screen sharing session, ensure that your device is organized and any sensitive information is hidden. This will enhance the overall experience.

Clear Communication:

If you're sharing your screen to provide guidance, be sure to explain your actions clearly. This can help the other person follow along more effectively.

Stable Internet Connection:

A stable and fast internet connection is crucial for smooth screen sharing. Laggy connections can hinder the experience and cause frustration.

Privacy Considerations:

Always be mindful of what you're sharing. Avoid displaying personal or sensitive information accidentally.


Screen sharing on WhatsApp adds a new dimension to communication and collaboration. Whether it's for work or personal use, the ability to visually guide someone through your device can simplify complex tasks and bridge distances. By following this guide and integrating screen sharing into your WhatsApp interactions, you're tapping into a powerful tool that can enrich your digital interactions and make your communication more effective than ever before.

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